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protective nail care Nail Or make up


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Base curativa lucidante per unghie fragili

    • 0 €


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Base curativa unghie fragili

Protective Nail Care Base

Protective Nail Care Base ha un’ottima formula ricca di principi attivi che fa da indurente e antisfaldante per unghie sottili e fragili.
Protective Nail Care Base cura l’unghia sfaldata ed elimina le piccole imperfezioni rendendo la superficie liscia e brillante.
Grazie al pennello in dotazione la stesura sarà facile e veloce.



Protective Nail Care Base has a great formula rich in active substances. A fortifying and hardening base for brittle, weak nails. It smoothes flaky nails and small imperfections.
It transforms the surface of the nail, creating smooth, shiny nails.
It features a brush that allows an easy and quick application
